Monday, February 14, 2011

Where has the time gone?

I have always had a bad memory, after having each child I was shocked that I had any memory left to lose. It is hard for me to recall events that happened 5-10 years ago, so when my daughters were babies I would spend hours writing in their baby books so I could remember specifics from when they were little. I think part of being a mom is being able to remember everything about your children. As my oldest daughter is about to turn five I look back and remember my whole pregnancy, all of my doctors appointments, the multiple times I thought I was in labor but just ended up being kicked out of labor and delivery! I remember the time my daughters were born, I remember their weight and length, I remember how old they were when they got their first teeth! It's crazy to me the things I thought I would lose but have stayed so fresh in my mind.

As she approaches her fifth birthday all I can think of is, "My baby is too little, she can't start Kindergarten this fall!" I have to keep reminding myself it is only February, and September is seven months away! She is so smart and I know she will do well in school, but with each new stage in life, it's one day closer to her not being my baby anymore. I keep joking with my husband that I will be standing outside her classroom window crying and watching her go about her day, I am fairly confident I won't be standing there the whole length of class, but I am pretty sure I will be there for a little while, at least on the first couple of days! That also reminds me that my younger daughter will be starting Pre-K in September, again, I'm not real sure how we have gotten to this point so fast. Sometimes it hits me, I'm not 17 years old anymore, I'm a 26 year old married mother of two. I love my life, I love my family and I love my job (being a stay at home mom) but sometimes I wish I could just slow time down just a bit it seems to be passing so quickly!



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