Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Food Blogs

I am obsessed with making weekly meal plans before I go grocery shopping. I go shopping every two weeks so making meal plans for 14 days worth of dinners is pretty difficult sometimes. I hate feeling like we are always eating the same things. I love looking for food blogs to give me ideas for new meals, I am not big on following recipes but I love trying new things. My problem is that I am too picky about blogs. If there aren't pictures and the blog doesn't flow well I cannot waste my time looking at it. I have a few food blogs I follow regularly but they aren't updated on a daily basis, more like weekly which doesn't really help me that much. If you have some go to food blogs please share because I am always looking for new ones to check out!

<3 Nicole

Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy Valentines Day!

I know some people don't really like this "holiday" and to be honest, I am one of those people who could kind of care less about it. It's nice to have a day where your husband is forced to buy you a present for no reason other than because he loves you, but it somehow manages to sneak up on most of us with our busy lives.

Enjoy this special love day with those you hold dearest!



Where has the time gone?

I have always had a bad memory, after having each child I was shocked that I had any memory left to lose. It is hard for me to recall events that happened 5-10 years ago, so when my daughters were babies I would spend hours writing in their baby books so I could remember specifics from when they were little. I think part of being a mom is being able to remember everything about your children. As my oldest daughter is about to turn five I look back and remember my whole pregnancy, all of my doctors appointments, the multiple times I thought I was in labor but just ended up being kicked out of labor and delivery! I remember the time my daughters were born, I remember their weight and length, I remember how old they were when they got their first teeth! It's crazy to me the things I thought I would lose but have stayed so fresh in my mind.

As she approaches her fifth birthday all I can think of is, "My baby is too little, she can't start Kindergarten this fall!" I have to keep reminding myself it is only February, and September is seven months away! She is so smart and I know she will do well in school, but with each new stage in life, it's one day closer to her not being my baby anymore. I keep joking with my husband that I will be standing outside her classroom window crying and watching her go about her day, I am fairly confident I won't be standing there the whole length of class, but I am pretty sure I will be there for a little while, at least on the first couple of days! That also reminds me that my younger daughter will be starting Pre-K in September, again, I'm not real sure how we have gotten to this point so fast. Sometimes it hits me, I'm not 17 years old anymore, I'm a 26 year old married mother of two. I love my life, I love my family and I love my job (being a stay at home mom) but sometimes I wish I could just slow time down just a bit it seems to be passing so quickly!



Cupcakes = Love

Cupcakes are the hot new thing right now. I love them because they are small and for some reason I feel better about myself after I eat a cupcake, but if I eat a piece of cake I feel like I just gained 10 pounds from fat and sugar.

I am not satisfied with your basic white or chocolate cupcake, I need something exciting and different! I have tried cupcakes from a few different local stores and surprisingly I found the QFC bakery sells some of the best I have tried in the area.

My oldest daughter is about to turn five, I'm trying not to get started on that, that is a whole different blog post that will be coming soon. This weekend we had her birthday party at Chuck E Cheese, her and her friends had so much fun, it's always an adventure there! Anyway, I found a baker via Facebook who makes cupcakes, after browsing her pictures and trying not to drool all over my laptop I decided I was ordering cupcakes from her for my daughters birthday party. After about thirty minutes I was able to decide on two flavors for the party. I picked hot fudge sundae because I knew the birthday girl would flip for them, and I picked chocolate raspberry thinking the adults might like a chocolate option. It was so hard to not test a few the night before the party, they looked so wonderful! Overall the cupcakes were great, I was impressed with the price, the way they looked and the way they tasted. Hot fudge sundae was the winner by far with a cute scoop of frosting, topped with some hot fudge, sprinkles and topped with a cherry! The chocolate raspberry was very good, I am not usually a fan of chocolate cake, it's too rich and just not my thing, but the raspberry butter cream frosting was absolutely delish! Overall everybody was very happy with the cupcakes.

I will be ordering cupcakes from Sweet Charley B's Cupcakery in June for my younger daughters 4th birthday party, I cannot wait to try a few new flavors! If you are in the Olympia area you should look for them on Facebook!



Hi Everybody!
Welcome to my blog. I decided to start this so I can share things that are important to me with friends, family or just random strangers who would like to listen to me! I am not very skilled when it comes to making my blog fancy, but I have plenty of fun things to share so stay tuned!
