Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Updates, lots of updates!

I know, I know, I have been so terrible about regularly updating my blog lately. I have had a lot on my plate lately and I will get better about updating the blog.

Lets start with Fathers Day, I decided I would surprise my husband with our first camping trip of the summer over Fathers Day weekend. I found a cute little campground about 20 minutes away from home and it is first come first to get a campsite! So Friday morning he went to work, and I woke up and packed and organized and got everything loaded into the car. I am a little crazy, so I convinced myself that the girls and I needed to leave before 12 to get to the campground in hopes of getting a site before they were all taken. Of course we got there and out of the 40ish campsites only about 8 were taken. So I parked, the girls and I wandered around until we all agreed on the perfect campsite. We unloaded and set up, and by we I mean I since the kids were too busy exploring the campsite and clearing it of all the pinecones! Ha I love those two little girls! Anyway, I got everything set up except for the tent, you need to people to get it upright so I had it all ready to go... I filled out our reservation ticket but couldn't turn it in until I had Ben's plate number which of course I don't know off the top of my head! I called him and told him we decided to have a picnic at the park and asked if he wanted to come meet us. He said of course, I told him to text when he got close. When he sent the text and told me he was close I told him the picnic area was full so we decided to eat at a table in the campground. A few minutes later we spotted him walking through the campground looking for us. He was so shocked that I could pull this off without him finding out and he was also shocked that I only managed to forget a few things. (Packing is not my thing, I always forget at least one thing!) We made lunch then went across the street to the state park and spent the afternoon flipping rocks and searching for little crabs and fish! We went back to the campsite and had a snack then picked up our tennis rackets, tennis balls and some toys for the girls and went back to the park to play. It was a fun low key afternoon, we were all very tired by around 5pm. My oldest daughter who I'm pretty sure would try to stay up for three days straight, started asking if it was time for bed yet! It was a very fun first camping trip, we woke up to pouring down rain the next morning but luckily we packed everything up before we went to bed. All we had to do was put the kids in the car and load up the tent,sleeping bags, air mattresses and we were ready to hit the road. Camping is one of my favorite things to do in the summer, we go again with my inlaws in a couple of weeks, I will have another post about that adventure!


I was setting up camp, these two were playing!


Daddy flipping rocks!


River fish that were hiding under big rocks with the tide out!



Another thing I wanted to mention was the fact that I co-own a small business with a great friend. We have been doing it officially for almost a year now. Unofficially we have been doing it for probably close to two years. Our biggest event is coming up in September so for the past four weeks I have been so incredibly busy creating and building up product for this event. I am a planner, I like having everything done with time to spare, I am looking forward to having my stash completed and ready to go within the next few weeks so I do not have to stress about being creative throughout the fun summer months! I will do a blog post about our event after it is over!

Thank you so much for checking my blog, I am sorry my posts are not very regular but I will work on it!

<3 Nicole


  1. Your camping trip sounds pretty fun! I hope all of the Blackberry Festival stuff isn't too stressful for you guys. Kara seemed to be kind of stressing when I last talked to her on the phone, lol.

  2. Yeah we are currently having some issues with the whole Blackberry Festival thing but hopefully those problems will be worked out this week! Just annoying stuff that can be fixed. It's hard because we don't know what is going to be popular and how much stuff we need but it will be fine. Are you going to send some of your headbands up for us?

    I'm in the process of uploading pictures from the camping trip. It sounds like yours went well too!
